DW9 (US)

Please give us your feedback about DYNASTY WARRIORS 9.

* are required fields.

♦ Gender*

♦ Age*

♦ Country*

♦ Which version did you purchase?*

♦ What influenced you to purchase this game? (Please specify media, store, etc. Select all that apply.)*

♦ What points made you decide to buy this game? (Select all that apply)*

♦ Please tell us what type of Social Media services do you use.

■Please share your opinions about this game.

♦ Story*

♦ Graphics*

♦ Character design*

♦ Music/Sound Effects*

♦ Controls*

♦ Manual*

♦ Action*

♦ Difficulty*

♦ Open World*

♦ Overall*

■Other information.

♦ Please let us know your comments about the Game System in Dynasty Warriors 9. (3,000 characters max.)

♦ What kind of features or changes would you like in future Dynasty Warriors titles? (3,000 characters max.)

♦ For any other comments, please fill in below. (3,000 characters max.)